Request Perceptual Agreement Questionnaires

Dyadic and Individual measures (PAQ-D & PAQ-I) are available free of charge for research purposes. To request one or both measures, complete the form.

Researcher Agreement Form

Part 1: User name and contact information
Part 2: Planned use of the PAQ
Part 3: If you are currently a student
Part 4: Affirmation and signature

a. I affirm that the Perceptual Agreement Questionnaire(s) (PAQ) will be used in keeping with ethical and professional standards for use of tests, as articulated in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, most recent edition.

b. I agree to abide by the copyright of the PAQ. I will not reproduce PAQ question booklets or answer sheets beyond the authorized copying required to test the number of respondents specified above. I agree that I am expressly prohibited from the following, unless additional written approval is granted by the author of the PAQ: reproduction of items in research reports (including dissertations); and distribution of PAQ test materials, including booklets and scoring materials, by any means to other parties. I also agree not to use the PAQ materials for any for- profit purpose.

c. I agree to safeguard the PAQ from unsuitable or inappropriate use. To safeguard the security of the PAQ, I agree to store PAQ test materials, including test booklets and scoring materials, in secure (that is, locked) storage facilities accessible only to authorized personnel.


Why don’t you really know what you want? Two reasons: 1. You have it. 2. You don’t know yourself, because you never can... Just as a knife doesn’t cut itself, fire doesn’t burn itself, light doesn’t illumine itself. You're always an endless mystery to yourself.

- Alan Watts, The Universe Looking at Itself 

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