Total: 13 journals.

Psychology Research Digest

Europe's Journal of Psychology

Europe's Journal of Psychology

Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP) is a quarterly electronic publication of scientific psychology featuring original Research Reports, Theoretical Contributions and practical Tutorials written by and intended for psychologists worldwide. EJOP's main objectives are to expand, on the one hand, the publication space in which knowledge can be contributed by everyone and accessed by everyone without barriers. We therefore focus on creating an open research environment that maximizes transparency and accessibility.

Use It or Lose It: Facilitating the Use of Interactive Data Apps in Psychological Research Data Sharing

The value of open research data (ORD), a key feature of open science, lies in their reuse. However, the mere online availability of ORD does not guarantee their reuse by other researchers. Specifically, previous meta-scientific research has indicated that the underutilization of ORD is related to barriers at the level of the ORD themselves, potential reusers of ORD, and the broader academic ecosystem. At the same time, sharing large datasets in an understandable and transparent format that...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

The Associations of Peer-Rated Popularity and Likeability With Dark Triad Personality Traits in Adolescent Groups

One of the most significant challenges in adolescence is the pursuit of social acceptance, which can manifest in various forms, including likeability and popularity. Achieving social acceptance is associated with positive outcomes, while its absence is linked to adverse consequences. Existing research into the personality determinants impacting the ability to elicit likeability or gain popularity remains limited, primarily focusing on the influence of Big Five traits. This study aimed to explore...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Quality of Life and Body Dissatisfaction in Cisgender Men Reporting Sexual Attraction Toward Men or Women

Gay men report poorer body image than straight men, but no research has examined other dimensions of sexual identity (e.g., sexual attraction). Most research also focused on clinical outcomes of body dissatisfaction rather than subclinical influences on quality of life. We examined the association between sexual attraction (i.e., attraction to men or women), body dissatisfaction and quality of life in cisgender men. We hypothesised that: 1) men attracted to men would report higher body...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ): The Development of a Measure to Assess Different Patterns of Helping by Clicking

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of aid campaigns launched via social media. The paper explores the phenomenon called "helping by clicking," which consists in clicking "Like" to support a charitable campaign or cause. The main aim of the paper is to present a new measure: The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ), assessing the patterns of helping by clicking. In developing the questionnaire, we relied on the theory of reciprocal altruism. The study included two...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Growth Mindset Is Associated With Mastery Goals in Adulthood

Growth mindsets, the belief that intelligence can grow with effort and training, have been associated with the adoption of mastery goals in children and adolescents. However, it is unknown whether these two factors are also correlated in adults. We conducted two online studies among three hundred participants to challenge this association. Results from (1) zero-order correlations, (2) structural equation modeling and (3) out-of-sample predictions converged on the finding that growth mindset was...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Influence of Vigilance Performance on Lifeguard Gaze Behaviour

The present study sought to examine the gaze behaviours exhibited by lifeguards with different levels of experience while performing a task focused on detecting drowning incidents across extended periods. The results indicated a gradual decline in detection performance over time, regardless of the lifeguards' levels of experience. Analysis of the participants' gaze behaviours unveiled that this decline was associated with alterations in both the number and duration of fixations. The results...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Relation- and Task-Oriented Roles as Antecedents of Ethical Leadership: Examining Synergistic Effects

A growing body of literature demonstrates that ethical leadership has positive effects on employees' work outcomes. Ethical leadership upholds the importance of "normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships" (Brown et al., 2005, p. 120; doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2005.03.002). However, extant empirical research does not answer the question- of how ethical leaders balance their relation maintenance (i.e., relationship-oriented role) and performance maintenance...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Sociodemographic Variables and Psychological Distress of Moroccan College Students

Because college students are an important category of the population highly vulnerable to mental health problems, this study aims to investigate the sociodemographic variables associated with the increase in psychological distress levels among Moroccan college students. Participants (N = 1147; mean age 20.00, SD = 2.6; 703 females and 444 males) completed a survey, which included a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Arabic version of the Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI). Non-parametric tests...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Associations Between Big-5 Personality Traits, Cognitive Ability, and Climate Beliefs and Behaviours: Results From a Longitudinal UK Birth Cohort

Anthropogenic climate change is an existential threat to both humans and wider biodiversity. However, cumulatively, individuals' actions can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Understanding the factors which shape individuals' beliefs about climate change, and their environmental behaviours, is therefore crucial. Here, we explore whether individual differences-Big-5 personality traits and cognitive ability-are associated with climate beliefs and behaviours, using longitudinal data...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Couples' Psychological Resources and Marital Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Marital Support

The aim of this study was to assess the interdependent relations among psychological resources, marital support, and marital satisfaction in married couples from the perspective of both dyad members, using the Actor-Partner-Interdependence-Model (APIM) approach. One hundred and fifty-one heterosexual married couples (N = 302) completed questionnaires assessing psychological resources (dispositional optimism and sense of mastery), marital support, marital satisfaction, social desirability, and...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Belief Bias in Individual and Collective Reasoning

In this paper, we investigate whether collaborative group performance is better than individual performance in solving a syllogism evaluation task. We hypothesise that collaborative group settings will outperform individual settings and that the belief bias effect will be mitigated in a group setting. Two empirical studies were conducted with Argentinian undergraduate students. Study 1 (N = 239) used a between-subjects design with two conditions: individual resolution and interactive group...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Academic Achievement in University Students: The Role of Perfectionism and Academic Hardiness

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between two personality factors, namely perfectionism and academic hardiness, and academic achievement. Nine hundred sixty-six undergraduate students from diverse disciplines in Greece made up the entire sample. In addition to two self-reported questionnaires about their achievements, perfectionism, and academic toughness, they were asked to complete one demographic questionnaire. The study revealed statistically significant positive...

Publication date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0500 Access the article >>

Material Engagement Shaping Participation of Children on the Autism Spectrum: Embodiment and Subjectivity in Small-Group Learning

This study investigated the material engagement and their affordances for participation of children on the autism spectrum (AS) in small-group learning. Framed by a methodology called Idea Diary that fosters social interactions in classroom environments, our focus was on understanding how and when the construction and manipulation of the diary supported children's participation and knowledge construction in small groups. This investigation was guided by the intersection of the theory of...

Publication date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Shared Construction of Social Pretend Play Sequences at the Kindergarten

Pretend play is usually defined as an activity wherein objects and actions (but also affective expression, at times) are separated from their original meanings. Its developmental appearance is set around the second year of life, and increases dramatically in duration, frequency and quality when play episodes start becoming more complex, both linguistically and interactionally reaching its peak in preschool years. To date, however, little attention has been paid to how social pretend play emerges...

Publication date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Babies in the Corporeal Turn: The Cognitive Embodiment of Early Motor Development and Exploration in the Brazilian Context of Early Childhood Education

The corporeal turn in developmental psychology has rekindled interest regarding how early motor development contributes to and enhances cognitive development across the first years of life. By highlighting embodied perceptual-motor engagement with the world, embodied cognitive learning emphasizes the importance of experience and perceptual-motor mechanisms in modulating the development of person-environment systems. The field currently calls for research that combines such conceptual frameworks...

Publication date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

An Ecological Approach to Conceptual Thinking in Material Engagement

Although post-cognitivist approaches have shaken the status quo by emphasising the dynamic interactions among the brain, the body, and the environment in cognition, mainstream psychological theories continue to view concepts as primarily representational or skull-bound mental phenomena. As a result, the dynamics of action and the possible impact of material culture on conceptual thinking are poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the process and meaning of conceptual thinking from a...

Publication date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Gestures, Objects, and Spaces: Exploring Teachers' Multimodal Communication in Nursery Schools

This study builds on the increasing evidence that the multimodal nature of adult-child interactions and the use of objects play an important role in early linguistic development. Most of these studies analyzed dyadic interactions at home, whereas few research has been conducted in early childhood education and care settings. In this paper, we characterized the multimodal nature of teachers' communicative bids during classroom-based group interactions in nursery schools. Observational data of...

Publication date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Internet Addiction and Psychological Distress: Can Social Networking Site Addiction Affect Body Uneasiness Across Gender? A Mediation Model

CONCLUSION: This paper contributes to the existing literature on online addictive behaviors by also highlighting gender differences. The findings underscore the need for educational experiences that can prevent problematic use of the Internet and SNSs.

Publication date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Personal Growth and Motto Goals: Strengthening Emotion Regulation Ability via Affirmatory Metaphors Coaching

Interventions can foster personal growth. However, our understanding of the specific mechanisms for change and the types of interventions driving this growth process remains limited. In this study, we focused on emotion regulation ability as a potential mechanism. We examined the effects of an affirmation coaching intervention on changes in emotion regulation ability, an important facet of personality. In this coaching intervention, participants created a personal mantra/goal derived from a...

Publication date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Accuracy and Speed of Emotion Recognition With Face Masks

Wearing face masks is one of the important actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people around the world. Nevertheless, social interaction is limited via masks, and this impacts the accuracy and speed of emotional perception. In the present study, we assess the impact of mask-wearing on the accuracy and speed of emotion recognition. Fifty people (female n = 39, male n = 11) aged 19-28 participated in the study (M = 21.1 years). We used frontal photos of a Kosova woman who belonged to...

Publication date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:00:00 -0400 Access the article >>

Why don’t you really know what you want? Two reasons: 1. You have it. 2. You don’t know yourself, because you never can... Just as a knife doesn’t cut itself, fire doesn’t burn itself, light doesn’t illumine itself. You're always an endless mystery to yourself.

- Alan Watts, The Universe Looking at Itself 

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